Brexit blackouts as government cuts links with Europe

We’re heading for power cuts if Brexit goes wrong!
Did you know that the UK imports large amounts of our electricity from Europe through undersea cables from France, Holland and Ireland? Often the only thing preventing power cuts is the power we get from abroad! The situation is set to get even worse soon because of plans to begin work on a new under-sea cable between Britain and France which will double our imports. That’s due start operation in the next couple of years and then any problems we have with Europe could result in black out for millions!
The government says that almost a quarter of our electricity will come through these undersea cables by 2025 and guess who controls the supply? The EU does! The EU controls the supply of electricity throughout Europe through an EU Agency called ACER (Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators) which is based in Ljubljana in Slovenia.
If the UK walks away from the Brexit negotiations with no deal we will drop out of ACER and be literally facing life without electricity. Yes!! Brexit really could return Britain to the 1970s! Do you remember the three day week?